Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1156 - 1190 of 1411
assail asaltar more translation
assailant agresor-a more translation
assassin asesino-a more translation
assassinate asesinar
assassination asesinato
assault asalto more translation
assay ensayar
assemblage ensamblaje
assemble montar more translation
assembly montaje more translation
assent asentimiento more translation
assert consentimiento more translation
assertion afirmación
assertive asertivo-a
assess calcular more translation
assessment evaluación'' more translation
assessor asesor-a
asset recurso more translation
assets activo
assiduity asiduidad
assiduous asiduo-a
assign asignar more translation
assignation cita
assignee cesionario-a
assignment asignación'' more translation
assimilable asimilable
assimilate asimilar
assist ayudar more translation
assistance asistencia more translation
assistant asistente more translation
associate vincular more translation
association asociación more translation
associative asociativo-a
assonant asonante
assort surtido

Word of the day:
conform · conformar

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.