Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 1149
decrease disminución more translation
decree decreto more translation
decrement decremento
decrepit decrépito-a
decry censurar
decrypt descifrar
decryption desciframiento
dedicate dedicar
dedication dedicación
deduce deducir
deduct deducir
deductible deducible
deduction deducción
deed hecho more translation
deem estimar
deep profundo-a more translation
deep-fried frito-a en aceite abundante
deepen ahondar more translation
deeply profundamente more translation
deer ciervo more translation
deface pintarrajear
defamation difamación
defamatory difamatorio-a
defame difamar
default omisión more translation
defeat derrota more translation
defeatist derrotista
defecate defecar
defect defecto
defective defectuoso-a
defector desertor-a
defence defensa
defend defender more translation
defendant demandado-a more translation
defender defensor-a

Word of the day:
malnutrition · desnutrición

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.