Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 770
enmity enemistad
ennoble ennoblecer
enormity enormidad
enormous enorme more translation
enough bastante more translation
enquirer investigador-a
enquiry pregunta
enrich enriquecer
enrichment enriquecimiento
enroll alistar
ensconce acomodarse
ensemble conjunto
ensign insignia
ensure garantizar more translation
entail comportar more translation
entangle enredar
enter entrar en more translation
enterprise empresa more translation
enterprising emprendedor-a
entertain entretener more translation
entertainer animador-a more translation
entertaining divertido-a more translation
entertainment entretenimiento more translation
enthrall cautivar
enthusiasm entusiasmo
enthusiast entusiasta
enthusiastic entusiasmado-a more translation
entice atraer
entire entero-a more translation
entirely enteramente
entirety integridad
entitle titular
entity entidad more translation
entomology entomología
entourage séquito

Word of the day:
squalid · miserable

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.