Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 670
floor piso
flop fracaso
floppy flexible
flora flora
floral floral
florid florido-a
florist florista
floss hilo dental
flotation flotación
flotilla flotilla
flounce volante
flounder platija
flour harina
flourish florecer
floury lleno-a de harina
flout despreciar
flow fluir more translation
flowchart organigrama
flower flor
flowerpot tiesto more translation
flu gripe
flub equivocarse
fluctuate fluctuar
flue tiro
fluency fluidez
fluent fluído-a
fluff pelusa
fluffy cubierto-a de pelusa
fluid fluido
fluke chiripa
fluorescent fluorescente
fluoride fluoruro
fluorine flúor
flurry ráfaga
flush enrojecer

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