Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 561
he él
head cabeza
headache dolor de cabeza
headboard cabecera
headdress tocado
headlight faro
headline titular
headmaster director
headphone auriculares
headquarters sede
headset auriculares
headsman verdugo
headstand hacer el pino
headstone lápida
headstrong testarudo-a
headway progreso
headwind viento contrario
heady fuerte
heal curar
health salud
healthy saludable
heap pila
hear oír
hearken escuchar
hearsay rumores
hearse coche fúnebre
heart corazón
heartbeat latido del corazón
heartbreak corazón roto
hearten animar
heartfelt sincero-a
hearth chimenea
hearty caluroso-a
heat calor
heater estufa

Word of the day:
magpie · urraca

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