Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 736 - 770 of 779
irreplaceable irreemplazable
irrepressible irreprimible
irreproachable irreprochable
irresistible irresistible
irresolute irresoluto-a
irresolution irresolución
irresolvable irresoluble
irrespective sin tener en cuenta
irresponsible irresponsable
irretrievable irrecuperable
irreverent irreverente
irreversible irreversible
irrevocable irrevocable
irrigate irrigar more translation
irritant irritante
irritate irritar more translation
irruption irrupción
isinglass cola de pescado
Islamic islámico
island isla
isle isla
isolate aislar
isomer isómero
isotherm isoterma
isothermal isotermal
isotope isótopo
isotropy isotropía
Israel Israel
Israeli israelí
Israelite israelita
issuance expedición
issue tema
it lo-la
Italian italiano more translation
italic italico/a

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damn · condenar

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