Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 133
jocose jocoso-a
jocular jocoso-a
jocund jocundo-a
jog pequeño empujón more translation
jogging jogging
joggle sacudir
join unir more translation
joint articulación more translation
joke chiste more translation
jolly jovial
jolt sacudida
Jordanian jordano more translation
jostle empujar
jot jota
joule julio
journal diario
journalese jerga periodística
journey viaje
journeyman oficial
joust justar
jovial jovial
joy alegría
joyous feliz
joystick joystick
jubilant jubiloso-a
Judaic judaico
judge juez-a more translation
judicial judicial
judiciary judicatura
judicious acertado-a
judo judo
jug jarra
juggle hacer malabarismos
juice jugo more translation
juicy suculento-a more translation

Word of the day:
crisscross · entrecruzado-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.