Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 476
Lithuania Lituania
Lithuanian lituano more translation
litigant litigante
litigate litigar
litigious litigioso-a
litmus papel de tornasol
little chico-a more translation
little finger dedo meñique
littoral litoral
liturgic litúrgico-a
liturgy liturgía
live vivir more translation
liver hígado
livery librea
livestock ganado
livid furioso-a
lizard lagarto
load carga more translation
loaf pan
loam marga
loamy franco/a
loan préstamo more translation
loath resistirse a
loathe odiar
loathsome repugnante
lob lob
lobby vestíbulo more translation
lobe lóbulo
lobster langosta
lobule lóbulo
local local
locale escenario
locate localizar more translation
lock cerradura more translation
locknut contratuerca

Word of the day:
tighten · apretar

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