Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 767
metabolism metabolismo
metal metal more translation
metallic metálico-a
metalliferous metalífero/a
metallography metalografía
metallurgist metalurgista
metallurgy metalurgía
metalwork metalistería
metamorphic metamórfico-a
metamorphism metamorfismo
metamorphose convertirse
metamorphosis metamórfosis
metaphor metáfora
metaphoric metafórico-a
meteor meteoro
meteoric meteórico-a
meteorite meteorito
meteorology meteorología
meter metro
methane metano
methanol metanol
method método
methodology metodología
methyl metilo
meticulous meticuloso-a
metric métrico-a
metronome metrónomo
metropolis metrópoli
metropolitan metropolitano-a
mettle temple
mettlesome brioso-a
mew maullar
Mexican mexicano more translation
Mexico México
mezzo mezzo

Word of the day:
temperate · moderado-a

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