Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1121 - 1155 of 1261
protect proteger
protector protector-a
protectorate protectorado
protein proteina
protest protestar
protestant protestante
protocol protocol
proton protón
protoplasm protoplasma
prototype protótipo
protract prolongar
protrude sobresalir
protrusion protuberancia
protrusive sobresaliente
protuberant protuberante
proud orgulloso orgullosa
prove probar
proven probado-a
provenance origen
proverb refrán
proverbial proverbial
provide proveer
provident prudente
providential providencial
province provincia
provincial provincial
provision provisión
proviso condición
provocation provocación
provocative provocativo-a
provoke provocar
provost rector-a
prow proa
prowess destreza
prowl merodear

Word of the day:
precaution · precaución

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