Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 809
thousand mil
thousandth milésimo-a
thrash golpear
thread hilo
threadbare gastado-a
threat amenazar
threaten amenazar
three tres
threefold triple
threesome trío
thresh trillar
threshold umbral
thrice tres veces
thrift economía
thrifty económico-a
thrill emoción
thrive prosperar
throat garganta
throaty gutural
throb latir con fuerza more translation
throes agonía
throne trono
throng multitud
throttle ahogar
through por more translation
throughout totalmente
throughput rendimiento
throw tirar
throwback devolver
thrush tordo
thrust empujar
thud ruido sordo
thug matón more translation
thumb pulgar
thumbnail uña del pulgar

Word of the day:
queasy · mareado-a

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