Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 372
winch torno
wind viento
wind instrument instrumento de viento
windbag charlatán/a
windfall ganancia inesperada
windmill molino
window ventana
windstorm tormenta de viento
windup broma
windward de barlovento
windy ventoso/a
wine vino
winery bodega
wing ala
wink guiño
winsome agradable
winter invierno
wintertime invierno
wintry invernal
wipe limpiar
wire alambre
wireless wireless
wiry enjuto/a y nervudo/a
wisdom sabiduría
wise sabio, sabia
wisecrack chiste
wish esperar
wisp voluta
wit inteligencia
witch bruja
witchcraft brujería
with con
withal a pesar de
withdraw retirar
withdrawal retirada

Word of the day:
concise · sucinto-a

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