Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 456 - 490 of 1761
shade sombra
shadow sombra
shadowy impreciso,a
shady sombreado-a
shaft asta
shag cormorán
shaggy lanudo-a
shake agitar more translation
shakedown timo
shaky tembloroso-a
shale esquisto more translation
shallot chalote
shallow superficial more translation
sham farsa more translation
shamble caminar arrastrando los pies
shame vergüenza more translation
shampoo champú
shamrock trébol
shank espinilla more translation
shanty casucha
shape forma more translation
share compartir more translation
shareholder accionista
shark tiburón
sharp fuerte more translation
sharpen afilar
shatter destrozar
shave afeitar
shaven afeitado,a
shawl chal
she ella
sheaf haz
shear cortar more translation
sheath vaina
sheathe envainar

Word of the day:
crack · restallar

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