Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 491 - 525 of 1761
shed derramar more translation
sheen lustrar
sheep oveja
sheepskin piel de borrego
sheer puro-a
sheet sábana more translation
sheik jeque
shelf plataforma more translation
shell cáscara more translation
shelter refugio more translation
shelve archivar
shepherd pastor
sherbet sorbete
sheriff alguacil
sherry jerez
shield escudo
shift impulsar more translation
shifty furtivo,a
shimmy shimmy
shin espinilla
shinbone tibia
shine brillo more translation
shingle tablilla
shiny brillante
ship barco
shipmate camarada de a bordo
shipshape en buen orden
shipwreck naufragio
shipyard astillero
shire condado
shirk eludir
shirt camiseta more translation
shiver escalofrío
shivery estremecido,a
shoal cardumen

Word of the day:
doll · muñeca

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