Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1436 - 1470 of 1761
strop cuero
structural estructural
structure estructura
struggle lucha
strum rasguear
strut pavonearse
strychnine estricnina
stub cabo
stubble rastrojo
stubborn terco terca
stubbornness tenacidad
stubby botellín de cerveza
stucco estuco
stuck atascado
stud tachuela
student estudiante
studio estudio
studious estudioso,a
study estudiar
stuff rellenar
stuffy viciado-a
stultify anquilosar
stumble tropezar
stump tocón
stumpy achapparado,a
stun aturdir
stunt proeza
stupefy atrofiar
stupendous estupendo,a
stupid estúpido estúpida
stupor estupor
sturdy robusto robusta
sturgeon esturión
stutter tartamudeo more translation
style estilo

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