Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1471 - 1505 of 1761
stylish con mucho estilo
stylus estilo
stymie obstaculizar
suave untuoso-a
sub suplente
subdue someter
subject tema
subjective subjetivo subjetiva
subjectivity subjetividad
sublimate sublimar
subliminal subliminal
submarine submarino
submersible submergible
submission sumisión
submit presentar
submittal entrega
subpoena citación
subrogation subrogación
subscribe suscribirse
subservient subordinado-a
subsidiary secundario-a
subsidy subsidio
subsist persistir
substance sustancia
substantial substancial
substantiate confirmar
substantive substantivo
substitute reemplazar
substitution sustitución more translation
substrate sustrato
subsume incluir
subterfuge subterfugio
subterranean subterráneo-a
subtle sutil
subtlety sutileza

Word of the day:
bias · sesgo

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