Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1541 - 1575 of 1761
suicidal suicida
suicide suicidio
suit traje
suitcase maleta
suite suite
suitor pretendiente
suits traje
sulfide sulfuro
sulfur azufre
sulfuric sulfúrico-a
sulfurous sulfuroso-a
sulk enfurruñarse
sulky malhumorado-a
sullen hosco-a
sully mancillar
sulphur azufre
sultan sultán
sultry bochornoso-a
sum cuenta
summary resumen
summer verano
summertime verano
summit cima more translation
summon llamar
sumptuous suntuoso-a
sun sol
sunbeam rayo de sol
sunburn quemadura de sol
sunburnt bronceado-a
Sunday domingo
sundial reloj de sol
sundown anochecer
sundry varios,as
sunflower girasol
sunken hundido-a

Word of the day:
bough · ramo

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