Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 1411
adverb adverbio
adverbial adverbial
adversary adversario more translation
adverse enemigo more translation
adversity adversidad more translation
advert advertir more translation
advertise anunciar more translation
advertisement publicidad
advertising publicidad
advice aconsejar more translation
advisable conveniente
advise asesorar more translation
adviser consejero
advisor asesor more translation
advisory consultivo, consultiva
advocacy apoyo
advocate abogar more translation
adze azuela
aerate airear
aerial aéreo more translation
aerobic aeróbico, aeróbica
aerodynamic aerodinámico more translation
aerodynamics aerodinámica
aeronautic aeronáutico-a
aeroplane avión more translation
aerosol aerosol
aerospace aeroespacial
aesthetic estético, estética
aesthetics estética
afar lejos
affable afable
affably afablemente
affair asunto more translation
affect conmover more translation
affected afectado more translation

Word of the day:
rough · ronco-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.