Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 386 - 420 of 1411
affection afecto more translation
affectionate afectuoso more translation
affidavit declaración jurada
affiliate afiliar
affinity afinidad
affirm afirmar more translation
affirmation afirmación more translation
affirmative afirmativo more translation
affix afijo more translation
afflict aquejar more translation
affliction aflicción
affluence prosperidad
affluent rico-a more translation
afford permitirse more translation
affordable asequible
afforest reforestar
afforestation reforestación
affront afrentar more translation
Afghan afgano more translation
aficionado aficionado, aficionada
afield lejos
afire en llamas
aflame en llamas
afloat flotante
afoot a pie more translation
aforementioned susodicho, susodicha
aforesaid susodicho, susodicha
aforethought premeditación
afraid asustado more translation
afresh de nuevo more translation
Africa África
African africano more translation
Afro afro
aft a popa
after después

Word of the day:
tumult · tumulto

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.