Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 596 - 630 of 1411
aloud en voz alta
alp alpes
alpaca alpaca
alpha alfa more translation
alphabet abecedario more translation
alphabetic alfabético, alfabética
alphabetical alfabético more translation
alphanumeric alfanumérico, alfanumérica
alpine alpino, alpina
Alps Alpes
already ya
alright bien more translation
Alsatian alsaciano more translation
also también
altar altar
alter alterar more translation
alteration alteración
altercate altercar
altercation altercado
alternate turnar more translation
alternative alternativa more translation
although aunque
altitude altitud more translation
altogether generalmente more translation
altruism altruismo
altruist altruista
altruistic altruista
alum alumbre
alumina alúmina
aluminium aluminio
aluminum aluminio
alumni ex-alumnos
alumnus alumno, alumna
alveolar alveolar
alveolus alveolo

Word of the day:
inconclusive · no concluyente

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.