Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 561 - 595 of 1411
allegro allegro
allele alelo
allergic alérgico more translation
allergy alergia
alleviate mitigar more translation
alley callejón
alleyway callejón
alliance alianza more translation
allied aliado more translation
alligator caimán more translation
allocate asignar
allocation asignación
allot asignar more translation
allow dejar more translation
allowance subsidio more translation
alloy alear more translation
allspice pimienta de Jamaica
allude aludir a
allure atraer more translation
allusion alusión
allusive alusivo, alusiva
alluvial aluvial
ally aliado-a more translation
almanac almanaque
almighty todopoderoso more translation
almond almendra more translation
almost casi
alms limosna
aloe aloe
aloft en el aire
aloha aloha
alone solamente more translation
along a lo largo de
alongside junto a more translation
aloof distante

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comrade · camarada

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.